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Compare iPhone and iPhone 3GS with a list of specifications.

Let's compare each phone and tablet in the specs table.

iPhone iPhone 3GS
50 50
Manufacturer Apple Apple
Release Date
Screen Size 3.5 inch 3.5 inch
Resolution 320 x 480 320 x 480
Display Details
Max Refresh Rate
Max Brightness
Body Size 61mm x 115mm x 11.6mm 62.1mm x 115.5mm x 12.3mm
Weight 135 g 135 g
Processor Samsung 32-bit RISC ARM 1176JZ(F)-S Samsung S5PC100
OS iOS 1 iOS 3
Main camera 1 2-megapixel 3-megapixel
Main camera 1 details
Main camera 2
Main camera 2 details
Main camera 3
Main camera 3 details
Main camera 4
Main camera 4 details
Main camera 5
Main camera 5 details
Sub camera 1
Sub camera 1 details
Sub camera 2
Sub camera 2 details
Battery 1,400 mAh 1,219 mAh
Video playback time
RAM(GB) 0.128 G 0.256 G
ROM(GB) 8 G 8 G
Water resistance - -
Dust resistance - -