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Compare a phone with a similar Antutu score to the Pixel XL with actual screen size.

Here's phones with a similar Antutu score to the Pixel XL.

Press and hold on each phone or tablet to move them around or stack them on top of each other for comparison!
Actual sizes and indications may vary, so please use them as a guide. 2016 ©
  • Pixel XL

    Antutu 159,000 ver7
    • 5.5 inch 1440 x 2560
    • Thinness 8.58mm 168g
    • Qualcomm Snapdragon 821 quad core 2.15 GHz + 1.6 GHz
    • Android 7.1
    • Battery 3,450 mAh
    • RAM 4G ROM32G
  • Pixel

    Antutu 159,000 ver7
    • 5 inch 1080 x 1920
    • Thinness 8.58mm 143g
    • Qualcomm Snapdragon 821 quad core 2.15 GHz + 1.6 GHz
    • Android 7.1
    • Battery 2,770 mAh
    • RAM 4G ROM32G